Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare

2 Tracy Anderson The Metamorphosis (days 11- 20)( ). Tracy anderson metamorphosis The revolutionary Metamorphosis by Tracy program is the at-home translation of the Tracy Anderson Method. Like in the Tracy Anderson's studio, the routines change completely every 10 days to ensure that the accessory muscles. There are four different incarnations of Metamorphosis by Tracy, all dedicated to a different body type (Glutecentric, Hipcentric, Abcentric, Omnicentric). Each version of this 90-day program includes four discs of muscular structure work (nine workouts in total, to transition through every 10 days) that’s designed to target problem areas. Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare Counter Strike 1.6 Cpl Pro Mplab Xc 32 Crack Download Portable Kaspersky World V1.3.7.99 Tekken Revolution Theme Song Mp3 Download Download Permainan Kapal Perang Java Jar Citect Crack Descargar Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Distance My Demons Rar.

Wow... Ok so I'm on day 1. It's 10:30 am and I've already been up for 5 hours. Pretty unbelievable for a gal who could sleep forever and a day. I rolled out of bed and weighed myself first. Since this blog is all about accountability I do plan on sharing measurements, pictures (no head for now) and weight numbers. Even if no one ever reads this but myself - I want to know that something is keeping me held accountable.
OmnicentricThis morning I was 116.5. I've lost .7 pounds since last Saturday before even starting the workout. For the past 2 weeks I've been making a conscious effort to eat better and it's really been paying off. I'd say I probably lost a total of 2 pounds but more than the weight loss I just felt better. So that means I start 'metamorphing' at 116.5. After that it was workout time and boy were they tough! I did the Cardio first just so I could see how it was and get it over with. I've heard that Tracy's recommendations are:
  • If you're trying to lose weight: do the mat work first then cardio second. You'll burn more fat off at the end of of your workout instead of the beginning
  • If you just want to tone your body: do the cardio first and the mat work second allowing your muscle work to be the center of your workout
Now let me remind you that I come from a dance background. I took ballet, tap and jazz when I was younger, was a cheerleader for 4 years in high school and an arena football league, as well as a gymnast. And even I struggled with the dance cardio! But I love that I was doing it in my living room, by myself. I never once felt foolish or silly - which is pretty major since some women have expressed insecurities about this part. But it was hard. I only made it about 20 minutes of the full 30 minutes but I am going to chock that up as pretty good. It's a lot of jumping and a lot of movement. If you have weak knees this might not be the best choice for you. I know that was one of the complaints when I was doing my research. I personally didn't think it was that bad. I wasn't a major fan of the dance music that accompanied the DVD. Luckily [and smartly] there are options to do both Tracy talking and music or each by themselves. I plan on using her playlists on her site found here.
Next was the mat work. These are a series of muscular workouts done for 30 minutes often using just your own body weight or only 3 pound weights. This part was HARD. I did all of the exercises but I definitely didn't do all of the reps. Tracy's method involves working on your smaller accessory muscles so you're not bulking up and more toned. She also does all the exercises on the same side (meaning right leg does 4-5 different left lifts before switching to the left side) making that leg/side tired and exhausted (her purpose) And let me tell you - it's freaking tired all right. I mean I had pain in places I didn't even know could get pain. Then again... that is the point! I'm excited that you only do this set for 10 days before she switches things up. It's good to know that there will be something new and that it won't be monotonous.
Lastly let me get to the food. I'm sure if you're thinking about this workout or have it and are wanting to stick to the diet - let me say - it won't be easy. And that's an understatement. At this point I am still planning on following the diet as closely as possible. But I am going to be challenged to the max. My husband has decided to support me and do the diet with me though I am not sure that he will be able to follow as strictly since he will need much more caloric intake.
The first week is a Nutrient Boost week. In other words - this is a cleanse week. Each day I can eat 1 serving of the following: Power Juice, Blueberry Applesauce, Carrot Parsnip Puree, Sweet Potato Corn Pudding, Gazpacho, Veggie Protein Soup, Chocolate Pudding (hooray!) Most of these foods are blended in a food processor - which I don't quite get yet - and eaten almost like baby food. Our first experience with the power juice did not go over so well as the ingredients are: Kale, Beets, Spinach and 1/2 Apple. It wasn't so much the taste - but the texture. This was probably partly due to the fact that we used a blender and not a juicer. It was basically mush and not edible in the least. I am going to try it again tonight with an actual juicer and maybe add some orange juice or something to it so that the kale will actually be juiced. More on that to come....
I am a little worried about the diet being so low on everything including calories especially since there are body cleanses. It looks like this happens every other week and by week 10 Tracy starts introducing re-introducing regular diet so I am optimistic. For now.
Hopefully I can keep the momentum going tomorrow.. after all it will be day 2!

NOTE: I forgot to mention this in my introduction, but I had originally started on I just didn’t like the style or the fact that something as simple as word-wrapping, was broken – so here I am now. So even though this “Day 1” post will appear published on November 19th, my “Day 1” was actually Sunday, November 17th.Also, each post will provide an update to my stats, as well as thoughts on my progress.


Height: 5’3″

Weight: 191.8 lbs

Bust: 43″

Waist: 37″

Hips: 41.5″

Arms: R, 15.75″ & L, 14.5″

Thighs: R & L, 27″

Calves: R & L, 17″

Key takeaway: I’m built like a small line-backer.


Yesterday, Saturday, November 16th, I went grocery shopping and bought everything I needed for the first 7 days of my Nutrient Boost Week. On the TAM Dynamic Eating Plan, you alternate between a Nutrient Boost Week and Body Reset Week. In the former, you eat mainly pureed foods that Tracy chooses for you. In the latter, you choose and eat solid food from a list of pre-chosen foods.

My fridge is now stocked for the week, and I only spent $70! Not too bad considering that when I was juicing, I’d spend close to $120 in a week.

I love to cook and had read how important it is to food prep ahead of time, so I decided to make all 7 of my ‘meals’ for the next week and have it perfectly portioned out in tupperware (note: you will need A LOT of tupperware). Despite being accustomed to cooking multiple dishes at once, having to steam, boil, peel, puree 49 meals (7 meals for 7 days) took me almost 3 hours. All said and done though, I smile when I open the fridge and see all my neatly stacked containers. It’s also a bonus that when you’re hungry, all you have to do is open the fridge, pop open a container, and you have food in your face! So what will I be putting in my face?

– Kale & Beet Juice: A lot of people complained about the juice, but I don’t mind it. One important tip: warm beet juice is just awful. Cold beet juice is way easier to suck down.

– Blueberry Applesauce: Tasty and refreshing.

– Carrot & Parsnip Puree: Of all the meals, this is the one that most reminds me of baby food. It’s not bad, just ‘meh’.

– Sweet Potato and Corn Puree: This is like a semi-sweet desert!

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare Free

– Gazpacho: Basically salsa.

– Chicken Veggie Soup: MY FAVORITE!! SO YUMMY! It’s filling, tasty, and the only thing I consume that requires teeth!

– Chocolate Pudding: The consistency is NOT like pudding, but more like chocolate truffles. Also, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, so this one is hard to eat.

I honestly don’t mind that everything I’m eating doesn’t require teeth. It’s odd, and I get funny looks at work, but I don’t mind it 🙂 Bottom line, I would be starving when I was juicing… but I’m not starving now. I guess it really is true: nutrient dense food will keep you satisfied for longer.

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare Pdf


Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Omnicentric Rapidshare Full

I made the decision to do both the 30 minute dance cardio and 30 minute toning work in the morning. Waking up at 7 am was hard for me. Waking up at 5:45 am is even harder. But hey, I’m not going to become un-pupa-fy myself without hard work; yes it’s hard, but it’s also doable 🙂 Also, I’m not lying when I say that I definitely feel accomplished when I have my workout done, and the rest of the day is on cruise-control.

Ok, so the cardio…

I’m a child of the 90’s, and I used to do Paula Abdul’s Dance Cardio VHS tapes at home. Despite how she portrays herself now on TV, I remember her videos to be fun, up-beat, and really well explained with cues and counting. The music was great too! Sadly to say, I have to agree with other reviewers… the TAM dance cardio segment is hard to follow. Tracy does not cue or count off, which means that not only do you have to learn and follow along, but you also have to keep an eye on her at all times or else you’ll miss the next move. Maybe it’s a combination of the fact that I’m overweight and that I haven’t really exercised in over a year, but I found her 30 minutes of cardio to be tiring, and I was sweating buckets at the end. The arches of my feet were also killing me because you’re essentially jumping up and down the entire time. If you’ve done aerobics videos before, you’ll know that some trainers will have a “low impact” person off to the side showing the viewer an easier, less-jarring version of the exercise. I ended up making up my own low-impact version to save my feet. Hopefully I’ll get up to Tracy’s level within the next weeks; but in the meantime, I’ll stick to my slightly odd and robotic movements. Hey, I’m sweating, so it still counts.

Her toning work is a lot easier to follow. It’s easier to follow but not easy by any means. She starts with arm work, goes on to ab work (standing and ground), and then leg work. I must be really out of shape, because my abs are on FIRE. It hurts so much when I sneeze that I’d rather hold my breath and get that uncomfortable feeling from keeping in a sneeze. Tracy also does not lie when she says that she’ll work muscles you’ve never worked before. It’s hard to describe, but there are certain parts of my butt that are so tight right now that sitting on anything that’s not cushioned makes me wince. But I love this feeling. I love it because I know that it’s working.

No pain, no gain (or loss!)

Pupa, out.